Monday, October 5, 2015

New year, new life.

Hello stunning ang handsome reader. It's been so long for me not to create something in this blog. I've deleted all the entry in 2014 because i think it was not a great story to remember. So, I'll start a new story for you to read. Well, I really love this song (playing specially for you right now). I don't know why, I just love it so much. Hmm, so I gonna tell you a simple story that I've been through. Actually, 2015 dah nak habis pun. But it's okay, I'll tell you everything. 1n this year, I got to continued studies. Only as a student in form six. It is the only a fast track to get degrees. Okay. After my heart breaking last year, I've try to be strong ang tough, I'd try to move on by myself, create smile eventhough my heart still hurts. Tryin' to laugh, makes joke, be happy in front of people, never think passed memories that will makes me cry a lot, pretending nothing happened, makes myself busy doing something and be cheerful. Then, I had enjoyed my time with family and bffs doing something so great. After my heart is totally heal, someone just come into my life 'again'. He just so kind, crazy, and always makes my day. I really don't know where to start, I just know that, I really love him. Like, really really loves him. And again, Im in a long distance relationship. He's a Manjungrian. Same batch (97). I hope he doesn't do the same thing like my exs did. Know him as Izzudin jelah senang. Lupa pulak nak intro nama, ahaha. Hmm, that's all the simple story from me. Next time if I had free, I'll create new entry :) In sha Allah. Take care dude, jaga kesihatan.

                                                                                                                             Love, Nasiha.

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